Серии работ
Серии работ

Dimitri Shcherbakov, born in Russia, he lives and works in Moscow. Though he studied Classical Painting at the Moscow State Academic Art College of the Memory of 1905 in Moscow, Dimitry quickly began exploring Modern art and New Media. He began exploring new forms of creative practice influenced by the idea of deliberation of an artist from the formal frames of an academic art education, which has such a great impact in the modern russian art scene. These academic unwritten orders breaks down the fragile inner world of an artist. That is the main question of an artistic research of him, finding the very personal interpretations of the reality and its storytelling, instead of conforming educational Imperative by recreating or cloning the existing reality. Art in the understanding of the artist is an opportunity to feel yourself in the told story. The paintings are designed to tell their interpretation of a story or event, it is aimed at the possibility of drawing up a new associative row. Removing unnecessary until we see the scheme of the moment. The very essence of the story to whcih was added the details and colors of various variants of the events’ development. Further descriptions of several exhibitions: «Keys and Windows» Each participant is given a small log, a sheet of paper and mascara. There are 4 edges on the pole. Each edge is the key, consisting of the main, key images of the personal world. When you match the edges of 4 keys, you can open a picture window, which, in turn, is a projection of the consciousness of the artist-creator of the key.


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  • Central University of Arts Education Đại học Sư phạm Nghệ thuật Trung ương
  • Trường Đại học Văn hóa Hà Nội - Hanoi University of Culture
  • European Foundation For Support Of Culture
  • Museum Association Museums of Science City Korolev Korolev
  • Moscow City Galleries Network
  • «Here Gallery»
  • Ginza
  • «Flacon»
  • The Botanic Gardens of Moscow State University
  • Moscow State Academic Art College of the Memory of 1905
  • «Online»
  • 24 International Ballet Competition Varna
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